Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Quotes from Erich Fromm’s Escape from Freedom


Biden to Democrats: Nominate Me, Whether You Like It or Not

1. Biden to Democrats: Nominate Me, Whether You Like It or Not – Norman Solomon

Biden to Democrats: Nominate Me, Whether You Like It or Not : Indybay

2. Rethinking the State and Rent Madness – Hartmut Reiners and Andrej Holm

Rethinking the State and Rent Madness : Indybay

3. Utopias and Dystopias as Places of Mental Retreat and Cooperation with China – Dieter Funke and Michael Klare

Utopias and Dystopias as Places of Mental Retreat and Cooperation with China : Indybay

4. Astonishment. The Beginning and End of Theology – Werner Neuer, Ivan Illich & Eugen Drewermann

Astonishment. The Beginning and End of Theology : Indybay

5. The Humor of Jesus and The cry of the poor – Marc Batko, W Meyer and K Chavent

The Humor of Jesus and The cry of the poor : Indybay

6. The Prince of Hell and Peace in Ukraine is Possible – Roberto J De Puente and Jeffrey Sachs

The Prince of Hell and Peace in Ukraine is possible : Indybay

7. Critique of Religion, Market Religion and Post-Colonialism – Franz Hinkelammert and Sebastian Pittl

Critique of Religion and Market Religion and Post-colonialism : Indybay

8. War in Ukraine and Nato taboos fall – R Bathon, H Neuber, P Fess & R Streck

War in Ukraine. Nato taboos fall : Indybay

9. “Free Julian Assange!”say Latin American leaders – Lula, AMLO, Petro, Maduro, Ortega, Kirchner, Evo, Zelaya

“Free Julian Assange!” say Latin American leaders : Indybay

10 The Ghost of Eugene McCarthy Could Haunt Biden’s Path to Renomination – Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon

The Ghost of Eugene McCarthy Could Haunt Biden’s Path to Renomination : Indybay

11 How critical journalists are muzzled in Europe – Ralf Streck

How critical journalists are muzzled in Europe : Indybay

12 The American century was yesterday – Roberto J De Lapuente and Oscar Lafontaine

The American century was yesterday : Indybay


The inflation conundrum

1. Inflation debate and The inflation conundrum – Yves Wegelin and Thomas Sablowski

Inflation debate and The inflation conundrum : Indybay

Inflation debate and The inflation conundrum : Indybay

2. China’s peace plan and It’s about everything – Jurgen Huebschen & Bernhard Trautvetter

China’s peace plan & It’s about everything : Indybay

China’s peace plan & It’s about everything : Indybay

3. Journalism is in denial about itself and China’s mediation – Jan Schoenmakers and Willy Sabowski

Journalism is in denial about itself & China’s Mediation : Indybay

Journalism is in denial about itself & China’s Mediation : Indybay

4. The final system question Parts 1 and 2 – Bertram Burian

The final system question Parts 1 and 2 : Indybay

5. Total victory over a nuclear power is not possible without nuclear war –

Total victory over a nuclear power is not possible without nuclear war : Indybay

6. January 30, 1933 and Media make politics – Hartwig Hohnsbein and Georg Rammer

January 30, 1933 and Media make politics : Indybay

7. A terribly, powerful family – Tom-Oliver Regenauer

A terribly powerful family : Indybay

8. No nuclear war in Europe! and Glorification of violence – Oskar Lafontaine & Christian Zehenter

No nuclear war in Europe! and Glorification of violence : Indybay

9. Stumbling into world war and Ukraine war – Sahra Wagenknecht & Christoph Habermann

Stumbling into world war and Ukraine War : Indybay

10 The coup from above and The Decline of Civilization – Ullrich Mies and Felix Feistel

The coup from above and The Decline of Civilization : Indybay

11 The brainwashing plant and Against forgetting – Volker Schuhmacher and Roland Rottenfusser

The brainwashing plant and Against forgetting : Indybay

12 RAND Corporation – No one can win this war – Michael Maier

RAND Corporation: No one can win this war : Indybay


The speech that Biden should give

1. The Speech that Biden Should Give. I’ve Changed My Mind  – Norman Solomon

The Speech That Biden Should Give: ‘I’ve Changed My Mind’ : Indybay

2. The Seven Loose Pieces of the Global Jigsaw Puzzle – Subcommandante Marcos

The Seven Loose Pieces of the Global Jigsaw Puzzle : Indybay

3. Four taboo truths about the Ukraine war – Ingar Solty and K D Kolenda

    Four taboo truths about the Ukraine war : Indybay

4. Senile Economics. Bubble Ontology and the Pull of Gravity – Fabio Vighi

Senile Economics: Bubble Ontology and the Pull of Gravity : Indybay

5. Inflation, Ukraine and China – D Goessmann, W Pomrehn & A Bacevich

Inflation, Ukraine and China : Indybay

6. Emancipation in Crisis – Tomasz Konicz

Emancipation in Crisis : Indybay

7. New old financial crisis and China’s peace plan – Klaus Wagener

New old financial crisis & China’s peace plan : Indybay

8. War poker and imperial moralism – Benoit Breville and Serge Halimi

War poker and Imperial moralism : Indybay

9. Financial crisis – it’s crashing again and The time of change – Thomas Walter & GW Smigielski

    Financial crisis – it’s crashing again and The time of change : Indybay

10 The sacred cow and The propaganda machine – Rainer Sonnberg & Byorn Blach

The sacred cow and The propaganda machine : Indybay

11 Defensive Invasion and Strategies of Power – Gabriele Gysi & Roland Rottenfusser

Defensive Invasion & Strategies of Power : Indybay

12 UN Charter: Negotiations! Good wars, bad Wars? and Proxies – M von der Schulenberg and Sabine Schiffer

     UN Charter: Negotiations!, Good wars, bad wars? & Proxies : Indybay


At universities, the topic of financial casinos is taboo

1. At universities, the reality of the financial casino is taboo – Urs P Gasche

At universities, the reality of the financial casino is taboo : Indybay

2. Nord Stream as a reason for war – Florian Warweg

Nord Stream as a reason for war : Indybay

3. Nord Stream 1 and 2 – Peter Vonnahme

Nord Stream 1 and 2 : Indybay

4. Is our system still capable of solving the big problems of the future? – Timo Rieg

Is our system still capable of solving the big problems of the future? : Indybay

5. Brazil’s Lula travels to China and calls to end US dollar dominance – Ben Norton

Brazil’s Lula travels to China and calls to end US dollar dominance : Indybay

6. Why the US Bank Crisis is Not Over – Michael Hudson

Why the US Bank Crisis is Not Over : Indybay

7. Persons without a center – Lilly Gebert

Persons without a center : Indybay

8. Blow up the banking system! A free account for all is possible! – Yanis Varoufakis

Blow up the banking system! A free account for all is possible. : Indybay

9. Israel on the brink of civil war? – Friedrich Steinfeld

Israel on the brink of civil war? : Indybay

10 Compensatory Rhetoric – Bernhard Romeike

Compensatory Rhetoric : Indybay

11 The war must be ended as soon as possible – Timo Graser and Gabriele Krone-Schmalz

The war must be ended as soon as possible : Indybay

12 The Legacy of Liberation Theology – Sebastian Paul and Kirsten Dietrich

The Legacy of Liberation Theology : Indybay


Covert wars in the shadow of international war

1. Covert wars in the shadow of international law – Norman Pesch

Covert wars in the shadow of international law : Indybay

2. Why do the lambs remain silent? – Rainer Mausfeld

Why do the lambs remain silent? : Indybay

3. Inflation in the Age of Finance Capital – Stephan Schulmeister

Inflation in the Age of Finance Capitalism : Indybay

4. The US empire and the complicity of intellectuals – Boaventura de Sousa Santos

The US empire and the complicity of intellectuals : Indybay

5. Michael Hudson on de-dollarization

Michael Hudson on de-dollarizartion : Indybay

6. Militarism and re-armament must be confronted – Benedict Kern and Julia Lis

Militarization and rearmament must be confronted : Indybay

7. US corporations in the wings for post-war Ukraine – Ben Norton

US corporations in the wings for post-war Ukraine : Indybay

8. Ukraine will not win. Only a peace plan can end the war – Stephan Wall

Ukraine will not win. Only a peace plan by the major powers can end the war : Indybay

9. Why China won’t replace the US as hegemon – Tomasz Konicz

Why China won’t replace the U.S. as hegemon. Chaos instead of Hegemony : Indybay

10 China’s rise as a superpower and the crumbling US empire – Andrew Bacewich

China’s rise as a superpower and the crumbling US empire : Indybay

11 Is it possible to negotiate with Putin? – Ulrike Simon

Is it possible to negotiate with Putin? : Indybay

12 Ukraine war: Why is the Pentagon actually running out of ammunition? – David Goessmann

Ukraine war: Why is the Pentagon actually running out of ammunition? : Indybay


China’s development has priority

1. China’s further development has priority – Wolfgang Mueller

China’s further development has priority : Indybay

2. The Great Leap Backwards – Scoop Nisker

The Great Leap Backwards : Indybay

3. The End of the “Golden Age” of Capitalism and the Rise of Neoliberalism – Tomasz Konicz

The End of the “Golden Age” of Capitalism and the Rise of Neoliberalism : Indybay

4. Authoritarian Capitalism – Ingar Solty

Authoritarian Capitalism : Indybay

5. Car Plants are Making Medical Equipment – Ingar Solty

Car Plants Are Making Medical Equipment – And Things Should Stay That Way : Indybay

6. The Superiority Conceit of the West Crumbles – Ulrich Guhi

The Superiority Conceit of the West Crumbles : Indybay

7. Who determines the rules of the “rules-based world order”? – Peter Novak

Who determines the rules of the “rules-based world order”? : Indybay

8. Capital in the 2020s – Thomas Piketty

Capital in the 2020s (with Thomas Piketty) – Roosevelt Institute

9. Homelessness – Structural Violence in a Rich Country – Christoph Butterwegge

Homelessness: Structural Violence in a Rich Country : Indybay

10 In Ukraine, it’s coming down to an endless war of position – John Mearsheimer

In Ukraine, it’s coming down to an endless war of position : Indybay

11 Loss of reality and bellicism – Andreas Urban

Loss of reality and bellicism : Indybay

12 The end of work – Norbert Trenkle

The end of work : Indybay


Religious fundamentalism: The ambivalence of a modern phenomenon

1. Religious Fundamentalism. An Ambhivalent Phenomenon of the Modern Age – Carla Herrmann

Religious Fundamentalism. An Ambivalent Phenomenon of the Modern Age : Indybay

2. When everything tips over – Juliane Schumacher

When everything tips over : Indybay

3. The continuity of the lie – Chris Hedges

The continuity of the lie : Indybay

4. Noam Chomsky on Why This is the Most Dangerous Point in Human History

Noam Chomsky on Why This is the Most Dangerous Point in Human History : Indybay

5. Ukraine and the powerful resurgence of the US empire – Andrew Bacewich

Ukraine and the powerful resurgence of US empire : Indybay

6. The Work Fetish – Felix Feistel

The Work Fetish : Indybay

7. Is the US a Failed State? – Michael Hudson

Is the US a Failed State with Michael Hudson : Indybay

8. The selfishness virus – Leila Christa Dregger

The selfishness virus : Indybay

9. The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar – Oleg Nesterenko

“The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar” – part 2 : Indybay

10 Everyone wants peace – Rudiger Rauls

Everyone wants peace : Indybay

11 Who fuels war and profits from it – Matthew Hoh

Who fuels war and profits from it : Indybay

12 The Rise and Rise of the Cult of the Ego – Paul Reynolds

The Rise and Rise of the Cult of the Ego : Indybay


Ukraine war: The business with death

1. Ukraine war: The business with war – Frank Haubold – 9/7

Ukraine war: the business with death : Indybay

2. Happy Anti-War Day – September 1 – Say No! – Angela Klein

Happy Anti-War Day! – September 1 – Say No! : Indybay

3. The UN Charter must be the heart and soul of any new peace architecture- Michael Schulenburg

The UN Charter must be the heart and soul of any new peace architecture : Indybay

4. Climate catastrophe and `freedom of consumption’ – Thomas Meyer

Climate catastrophe and `freedom of consumption’ : Indybay

5. The war cannot be won –

The war cannot be won : Indybay

6. Extradition of Julian Assange threatens First Amendment, Press Freedom- Marjorie Cohn

Extradition of Julian Assange threatens First Amendment, Press Freedom : Indybay

7. After Capitalism – Ernst Hellman

After Capitalism : Indybay

8. Inverted World – Michael Sailor

Inverted World : Indybay

9. Welcome to post-democracy! – Tomasz Konicz

Welcome to post-democracy! : Indybay

10 The greatest show on earth – Daniele Ganser

The greatest show on earth : Indybay

11 Humanity cannot survive a nuclear war – Jeremy Corbyn

Humanity cannot survive a nuclear war : Indybay

12 Caught in the discourse of power – Susan Bonath

Caught in the discourse of power : Indybay

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