Biden to Democrats: Nominate Me, Whether You Like It or Not

1. Biden to Democrats: Nominate Me, Whether You Like It or Not – Norman Solomon

Biden to Democrats: Nominate Me, Whether You Like It or Not : Indybay

2. Rethinking the State and Rent Madness – Hartmut Reiners and Andrej Holm

Rethinking the State and Rent Madness : Indybay

3. Utopias and Dystopias as Places of Mental Retreat and Cooperation with China – Dieter Funke and Michael Klare

Utopias and Dystopias as Places of Mental Retreat and Cooperation with China : Indybay

4. Astonishment. The Beginning and End of Theology – Werner Neuer, Ivan Illich & Eugen Drewermann

Astonishment. The Beginning and End of Theology : Indybay

5. The Humor of Jesus and The cry of the poor – Marc Batko, W Meyer and K Chavent

The Humor of Jesus and The cry of the poor : Indybay

6. The Prince of Hell and Peace in Ukraine is Possible – Roberto J De Puente and Jeffrey Sachs

The Prince of Hell and Peace in Ukraine is possible : Indybay

7. Critique of Religion, Market Religion and Post-Colonialism – Franz Hinkelammert and Sebastian Pittl

Critique of Religion and Market Religion and Post-colonialism : Indybay

8. War in Ukraine and Nato taboos fall – R Bathon, H Neuber, P Fess & R Streck

War in Ukraine. Nato taboos fall : Indybay

9. “Free Julian Assange!”say Latin American leaders – Lula, AMLO, Petro, Maduro, Ortega, Kirchner, Evo, Zelaya

“Free Julian Assange!” say Latin American leaders : Indybay

10 The Ghost of Eugene McCarthy Could Haunt Biden’s Path to Renomination – Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon

The Ghost of Eugene McCarthy Could Haunt Biden’s Path to Renomination : Indybay

11 How critical journalists are muzzled in Europe – Ralf Streck

How critical journalists are muzzled in Europe : Indybay

12 The American century was yesterday – Roberto J De Lapuente and Oscar Lafontaine

The American century was yesterday : Indybay

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